Location: Illinois, United States

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

President Barack Obama

I am thrilled to use this title for today's blog. If you had asked me a year ago, or two years ago, if this was going to happen, I would have been hopeful, but unsure. Now it's happened and I am elated.

I didn't vote for Barack Obama because he was black and it would be historic. I didn't vote for Barack Obama because he represented my home state of Illinois. I didn't vote for Barack Obama because he was a democrat and I wanted change. I grew up and spent most of my adult life a republican, rarely swaying from party lines. George W. Bush ended that. I half-heartedly supported John Kerry four years ago. Truthfully, I wanted Bush gone more than I wanted Kerry in office. I didn't get my wish.

I looked at all the Republican candidates. I wasn't going to support someone who hates "certain" people the way Mitt Romney does. I wasn't going to support someone who appears to only spout the party line, such as Rudy Giuliani. John McCain came close to someone I could like, but he became a grouchy, unhappy man before our eyes.

I voted for Barack Obama because he was the best candidate. There was never any question. He ran the best campaign. He has good ideas for correcting what is wrong in this country. Is he perfect? No, but I am hard put to find his faults. Smoking? Yes. Bowling? Can't really define that as a fault. More of a shortcoming.

Every step he has taken has the appearance of being well thought out. He doesn't make "knee-jerk" statements or decisions. He listens to those around him, but he appears to have the final say.

I like Barack Obama because he is smarter than I am and I want that in a U.S. President. I like Barack Obama because he wants what is best for our country.

Now, let's see if I'm right.



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