Location: Illinois, United States

Friday, April 06, 2007

Iran and the U.K. Soldiers

This has been a strange week. Yesterday, I failed to get to the internet. I spent the time I would normally write trying to figure out what the problem was. In the end, my wife disconnected everything and reconnected and here we are. My wife is the greatest!

Earlier this week, I stayed up late writing an article for a local paper and spent the morning rewriting. There was nothing in the article that I would post here, so I missed another day. I only missed a couple days of posting, but it feels like it has been a week. There has been a lot happening and we need to talk.

Today is a good day because the sailors from the United Kingdom have been returned home from Iran. To be fair, I have not read so much as I would like about the situation, but it is still unclear to me what Iran would have gained by keeping the sailors. The decision to send them home was a fair and rational choice.

What about the initial taking of the soldiers? Was that rational? Prime Minister Tony Blair contends his people were not in Iranian waters. Iran maintains they were. If this was as simple an argument as it sounds, then it is just a playground territory fight that needed to be settled.

Unfortunately, because we are playing with people’s lives, the argument is not simple. Questions about the involvement of Iran in the Iraq disputes continue. Whether Iran is developing nuclear weapons is still a concern.

Of course, people forget that the United States already has nuclear weapons. Again, if we are on the playground and one side has a stick and the other does not, is it fair to tell the other side not to pick up a stick?

Again, the scenario is too simple because we are not talking about who can use the swings. The lives of people are at stake. At some point, someone needs to step forward and agree that we need to get along.

There was a time when the United States played that role. There was a time when we worked to solve wars with diplomacy. It would be nice to see us play that role again.

We have a rich history of successful wars, including World War II. What is going on overseas currently is not like World War II. We need to stop the so-called “War on Terror” and begin a “Pursuit of Peace”.

We need to drop the sticks in the playground and agree to share this world. We have a lot of issues to tackle that affect all of us. Why do we not stop the bickering and get to work.

Iran made a positive move. For whatever reason, they sent the sailors home. Let us rejoice and learn from their example.



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