Location: Illinois, United States

Friday, April 21, 2006

Old Time Radio

Back in the late seventies I began working part-time at a radio station. I was an announcer (I dislike the term "D.J.") and worked at the station both part and full time for nine years. It was a time I look back on with fondness although I have no interest in returning to my radio roots today.

Even before I began working in radio I had a fascination for early radio programs. People would laugh about Red Skelton and Jack Benny. They would describe the "Long Ranger" and the "Shadow". Listening to people talk about the days of "old time" radio always made them smile.

In school, we would listen to the Mercury Radio Theatre broadcast of the "War of the Worlds". It was history. We could not believe how people could be misled into believing that an attack from outer space could be taken seriously.

Years later, I still love to listen to "old time" radio programs. Fred Allen, Fibber McGee and Molly, Al Jolson, Orson Welles, Stan Freberg and so many more. I have read many books about people and the many successes. I love to visit the Museum of Radio and Television and see the artifacts and listen to the voices.

I'm adding a wonderful website to the podcast links. Technically, they aren't podcasts, but the Old Time Radio Show Catalog website does offer some programs and clips of programs you can download to your MP3. If you want to order collections the prices are extremely reasonable.

If you have any interest in the early days of radio and entertainment, or if you have an interest in history, etc. Check out the website. You'll be amazed at what you'll find.



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